I had rice for lunch today. Now that really does not sound spectacular, until you realise that I eat rice almost every day at work. My conversation with the young lady who takes our orders before lunchtime goes something like this- ME: What do you have? YOUNG LADY: We have rice, this and this, that and … Continue reading HERE’S HOW TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND, easily

A BREAK, UNINTENDED + a few updates

Can I just say "Hey there, long time no see" and we pick up from where we left off almost three months (read: centuries) ago? I'm sure the answer would be a resounding No! I am so sorry, and I mean it. Though I never planned any of the circumstances that led to the blog … Continue reading A BREAK, UNINTENDED + a few updates

HOW TO SMASH YOUR GOALS (even when you don’t feel like it)

So this is how it happened: I'd made plans to see a movie last Saturday with my friend D (who's probably reading this and rolling her eyes). In my defence, I was excited about having some nice girl-time with D and giving myself a little post-birthday treat. I'd even planned the dress, the on- fleek make … Continue reading HOW TO SMASH YOUR GOALS (even when you don’t feel like it)